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Theme & Concept
My approach for the banner designs primarily involved highlighting the architectural impermanence of our city. To begin, I engaged with the community through an online poll, gathering insights into the structures they admire most from the present or past. Many structures included here have withstood the test of time, yet may not receive the daily recognition they fully deserve while others may seem obscure or less known. Additionally, I was committed to shedding light on less prominent structures, those no longer standing or without historical designations. My process involved photographing each building and applying formal elements like pixelation, clouds and smoke to symbolize themes of impermanence and temporality of our present landscape. By doing so, I aspire to captivate the viewer's attention and foster a renewed appreciation for these architectural gems. Calgary’s history boasts a rich tapestry of architectural styles, and these designs are dedicated to highlighting both the well-known and potentially overlooked structures in our city center from both our past and our present.

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